Loot Buddy
Loot Parser for Project Quarm
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Set Minimum Parameters
- Vendor Minimums
- Auction Minimums
- Spell Level Minimums
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Toggle Popup Notifications

Executable (EXE)Source (PS1)
-eqLog path\to\eq\log\file.txt (no quotes - leave blank to prompt if spaces in path)-researchMinLvl 30 set minimum spell research level for notification. Default: 0
-auctionMin 50 set minimum auction price for notification. Default: 0
-vendorMin 50 set minimum vendor price for notification. Default: 0
-noTskill hide notifications for tradeskill items. Default: On
-noResearch hide notifications for research items. Default: On
-noVendor hide notifications for vendor prices. Default: On
-noAuction hide notifications for auction prices. Default: On
-noPopup hide popup notifications. Default: On
-groupRaid show details for others' looted items. Default: Off
-showDetail list recipes for tradeskill and spell materials. Default: Off
Example: .\loot_buddy.exe -eqLog C:\TAKP\eqlog_Peetree_pq_proj.txt -vendorMin 5 -auctionMin 25 -researchMinLvl 30 -noTskill -groupRaid