
East Freeport (freporte)

Succor point : -648 / -1097 / -53


ListName Class Race Level
Ainla Yurimar Shopkeeper Human 45
a bat Warrior Bat 1
a deathfist pawn Warrior Orc 1
a decaying skeleton Warrior Skeleton 1
a fire beetle Warrior Beetle 2
a large rat Warrior Rat 1
a shark Warrior Shark 3
a stonesnake Warrior Snake 1
a wolf Warrior Wolf 3
Bait Masterson Warrior Human 25
Banor Raglesin Shopkeeper Guard 28
Beur Tenlah GM Rogue Human 61
Biggle Limbokker Rogue Halfling 19
Branis Noolright Bard Human 20
Brek Stolrus GM Cleric Human 61
Bronto Thudfoot Warrior Ogre 30
Brunar Rankin Rogue Barbarian 8
Brutol Rhaksen GM Warrior Barbarian 61
Canlan Talespinner Bard Human 15
Caskin Marsheart GM Bard Human 61
Celanie Xtoria Shopkeeper Guard 30
Cloud Alemaker Shopkeeper Human 45
Daria Smith Shopkeeper Human 45
Deathfist Pawn Warrior Orc 1
Efreeti Weapon Polisher Warrior Halfling 55
Elisi Nasin GM Rogue Human 61
Fabian Bard Human 25
Giz Dinree Rogue Dark Elf 13
Gord Smith Shopkeeper Guard 45
Gregor Nasin Shopkeeper Guard 20
Grendig Warrior Dwarf 12
Gren Frikniller Rogue Halfling 14
Groflah Steadirt Warrior Dwarf 20
Guard Bittmin Warrior Guard 27
Guard Drake Warrior Guard 30
Guard Dreikin Warrior Guard 31
Guard Fentallin Warrior Guard 16
Guard Goemin Warrior Guard 36
Guard Hirazen Warrior Guard 40
Guard Nekropo Warrior Guard 35
Guard Nlool Warrior Guard 29
Guard Orpheen Warrior Guard 28
Guard Popal Warrior Guard 36
Guard Quallith Warrior Guard 36
Guard Ranlan Warrior Guard 48
Guard Sheg Warrior Guard 50
Guard Topplo Warrior Guard 50
Guard Ullindin Warrior Guard 50
Guard Wytiffin Warrior Guard 50
Guard Xyxax Warrior Guard 30
Guard Yandellen Warrior Guard 30
Guard Zeph Warrior Guard 37
Guard Zintrin Warrior Guard 37
Gunex Eklar GM Shadown Knight Human 61
Harg Tonicka Shopkeeper Guard 25
Harkin Duskfoot GM Rogue Dwarf 61
Heneva Jexsped GM Magician Human 61
Henna Treghost Shopkeeper Human 18
Hundle Quatvel Shopkeeper Guard 45
Ikthar Fireheart Shopkeeper Guard 45
Imxil Tbrow Warrior Dark Elf 10
Innkeep Hunter Shopkeeper Guard 45
Innkeep Nasumi Shopkeeper Human 45
Innkeep Paggie Shopkeeper Human 45
Innkeep Rastle Shopkeeper Guard 45
Iseba Gargurd Shopkeeper Guard 45
Issilyn Ristan Shopkeeper Human 45
Itzia Vunpe Shopkeeper Human 45
Jak Sindin Rogue Beggar 6
Jaleel Hoglomp Shopkeeper Human 45
Jenna Smith Shopkeeper Human 45
Jerra Renlock Rogue Human 30
Jheron Felkis Magician Human 50
Jillian Dayson Shopkeeper Human 45
Jyle Windshot Rogue Human 3
Kargek Redblade Warrior Human 50
Key Master Shopkeeper High Elf 55
Kif Shopkeeper Guard 45
Klan Smith Shopkeeper Guard 45
Konious Eranon GM Enchanter Human 61
Lenka Stoutheart Warrior Barbarian 35
Lozani Wizard Gnome 30
Lunce Nasin Shopkeeper Guard 20
Lyda Nasin Warrior Human 2
Lydl the Great Wizard Human 2
Lynda Tapper Shopkeeper Human 45
Marv Orilis GM Necromancer Human 61
Mheno Raveus GM Necromancer Human 61
Mika Fugas Shopkeeper Human 45
Monita O`Donner Shopkeeper Human 45
Myrissa O`Donner Shopkeeper Human 45
Nesin Tapper Shopkeeper Guard 20
Nestral TGaza GM Rogue Dark Elf 61
Netuk Phenzon GM Shadown Knight Human 61
Nexvok Thirod GM Wizard Human 61
Olunea Miltin Warrior Human 8
Opal Darkbriar GM Necromancer Dark Elf 61
Orc Apprentice Shaman Orc 1
Orc Centurion Warrior Orc 3
Palana Willin Bard Half Elf 25
Palatos Kynarn Enchanter Erudite 22
Peku Croxe Shopkeeper Guard 45
Pietro Zarn GM Shadown Knight Human 61
Plnorrick Spinecracker Warrior Troll 30
Prasen Rusgor Shopkeeper Guard 24
Priest of Discord Cleric Human 50
Quan Nektogo Rogue Human 30
Raltur Caliskon GM Shadown Knight Human 61
Rigg Nostra Rogue Human 15
Rin Distlemor Rogue Beggar 4
River Alemaker Shopkeeper Guard 45
Roghur Muleson Shopkeeper Dwarf 45
Rolfic Gohar Shopkeeper Human 30
Runthar Warrior Human 30
Sanhan Tanner Shopkeeper Guard 45
Saxarivza Zexus Cleric Dark Elf 40
Scar Rogue Dark Elf 18
Sermio Capret Shopkeeper Guard 45
SirensBane Warrior Ship 50
Sir Edwin Motte Paladin Human 33
Sir Ranlon Shopkeeper Guard 45
Sissin Tanner Shopkeeper Human 45
Slan ODonner Shopkeeper Guard 45
Soulbinder Grunson Warrior Human 1
Ston O`Donner Shopkeeper Guard 45
Stormbreaker Warrior Ship 50
Sun Alemaker Shopkeeper Human 45
Swiftfingers Rogue Gnome 15
Tagus Wunne Shopkeeper Human 45
Talym Shoontar Warrior Barbarian 14
Tanlok Harson Shopkeeper Guard 45
Tarker Gargurd Shopkeeper Guard 45
Tarn Bearcrusher Warrior Human 35
Tenni Kohern Shopkeeper Human 47
Thuzin Kaver GM Necromancer Human 61
Tislan Shopkeeper Human 45
Tlin Bowfright Warrior Wood Elf 30
Tohsan Hallard Shopkeeper Guard 45
Tovan Tenlah GM Rogue Half Elf 61
Trolon Lightleer Bard Human 15
Tykar Renlin Rogue Beggar 19
Valentin Fireheart Shopkeeper Human 45
Venox Tarkog GM Cleric Human 61
Verona Rankin Rogue Human 35
Vesagar Nekio GM Cleric Human 61
Wenden Blackhammer Shadown Knight Dwarf 50
Winda Lylil Shopkeeper Human 20
Winlar Tanner Shopkeeper Guard 45
Winsa Tanner Shopkeeper Human 45
Xelha Nevagon GM Necromancer Human 61
Zenita DRin Rogue Dark Elf 8
Zhem Xecia GM Cleric Human 61


  • East Freeport Bestiary List
  • East Freeport Named Mobs List
  • East Freeport Equipment List
  • East Freeport Spawn Groups
  • East Freeport Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103