
The Estate of Unrest (unrest)

Succor point : 52 / -38 / 3


ListName Class Race Level
an undead barkeep Rogue Zombie 25
an undead brewer Warrior Skeleton 18
an undead knight of Unrest Shadown Knight Skeleton 28
a barbed bone skeleton Warrior Skeleton 24
a carrion ghoul Warrior Ghoul 22
a crazed ghoul Warrior Ghoul 25
a dark terror Warrior Tentacle Terror 29
a death beetle Warrior Beetle 10
a dry bone skeleton Warrior Skeleton 20
a dusty werebat Warrior Kobold 28
a festering hag Wizard Zombie 28
a ghoul Warrior Ghoul 13
a gnomish spelunker Warrior Gnome 20
a greater dark bone Warrior Skeleton 26
a greater skeleton Warrior Skeleton 11
a jack o lantern Warrior Scarecrow 12
a large wisp Warrior Will-O-Wisp 14
a lurking mummy Warrior Zombie 18
a priest of najena Cleric Ghoul 29
a reanimated hand Wizard Reanimated Hand 21
a skeletal monk Monk Skeleton 23
a tentacle terror Warrior Tentacle Terror 29
a werebat Warrior Kobold 26
dark boned skeleton Warrior Skeleton 15
Garanel Rucksif Warrior Ghost 35
Khrix Fritchoff Necromancer Gnome 35
lesser blade fiend Warrior Dervish 15
mortuary fungus Warrior Fungusman 26
reclusive ghoul magus Necromancer Ghoul 23
Serra Warrior Zombie 1
Torklar Battlemaster Warrior Ghost 20
tormented dead Warrior Zombie 10
zombie of an Unrest noble Warrior Zombie 24


  • The Estate of Unrest Bestiary List
  • The Estate of Unrest Named Mobs List
  • The Estate of Unrest Equipment List
  • The Estate of Unrest Spawn Groups
  • The Estate of Unrest Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103