
The Grey (thegrey)

Succor point : 349 / -1994 / -26


ListName Class Race Level
An Ancient Shissar Servitor Warrior Iksar Golem 55
A Shattered Golem Warrior Iksar Golem 55
Heirophant Grazan Warrior Undead Iksar 48
Revenant Sthzzzizt Warrior Shissar 55
Revenant Zsshta Warrior Shissar 55
an eternal golem Warrior Iksar Golem 40
an iksar slave Warrior Undead Iksar 43
an undying iksar Warrior Undead Iksar 48
a forgotten slave Warrior Undead Iksar 38
a forlorn slave Warrior Undead Iksar 43
a shimmering rockfiend Warrior Stonegrabber 50
a Shissar Revenant Warrior Shissar 43
a Shissar Stalker Warrior Shissar 43
a sun revenant Warrior Undead Iksar 55
a timeless golem Warrior Iksar Golem 43
a tormented iksar slave Warrior Undead Iksar 43
Crusader Kezzal Warrior Undead Iksar 50
The sand Warrior Ground Shaker 40


  • The Grey Bestiary List
  • The Grey Named Mobs List
  • The Grey Equipment List
  • The Grey Spawn Groups
  • The Grey Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103