
Western Plains of Karana (qey2hh1)

Succor point : -531 / 15 / -3


ListName Class Race Level
Alysa Shopkeeper Human 45
Alzekar Kerda Shadown Knight Human 25
Analya Shopkeeper Barbarian 45
Anderia Warrior Human 4
an animated scarecrow Warrior Scarecrow 13
an ogre guard Shadown Knight Ogre 19
an ogre priestess Shaman Ogre 28
an ogre shaman Shaman Ogre 23
an ogre shamaness Shaman Ogre 23
a bandit Rogue Human 9
a black wolf Warrior Wolf 3
a brigand Warrior Barbarian 14
a brown bear Warrior Bear 3
a cyclops Warrior Giant 29
a farmer Warrior Human 4
a fire beetle Warrior Beetle 2
a ghoul Warrior Ghoul 13
a ghoul yeoman Warrior Ghoul 13
a giant beetle Warrior Beetle 6
a giant fire beetle Warrior Beetle 6
a giant spider Warrior Spider 7
a grizzly bear Warrior Bear 9
a hill giant Warrior Giant 33
a large fire beetle Warrior Beetle 6
a lion Warrior Lion 8
a lioness Warrior Lion 6
a mist wolf Warrior Wolf 3
a plains lion Warrior Lion 8
a plains lioness Warrior Lion 6
a scarecrow Warrior Scarecrow 13
a shadow wolf Warrior Wolf 3
a skeletal soldier Warrior Skeleton 4
a skeleton Warrior Skeleton 4
a spiderling Warrior Spider 2
a treant Druid Treant 23
a wandering spirit Shaman Will-O-Wisp 25
a werewolf Warrior Werewolf 22
a willowisp Warrior Will-O-Wisp 9
a young lion Warrior Lion 4
a young lioness Warrior Lion 3
a young plains lion Warrior Lion 4
a young plains lioness Warrior Lion 3
a zombie Warrior Zombie 6
a zombie yeoman Warrior Zombie 7
Brenzl McMannus Shopkeeper Barbarian 25
Brother Chintle Cleric Human 4
Brother Estle Cleric Human 4
Brother Trintle Cleric Human 4
Carlan the Young Shopkeeper Human 45
Chief Goonda GM Shaman Ogre 34
Choon Warrior Giant 30
Chrislin Baker Shopkeeper Human 45
Cleet Miller Shopkeeper Human 32
Cleet Miller Jr Shopkeeper Human 6
Einhorst McMannus Warrior Barbarian 35
Froon Warrior Giant 30
Frostbite Warrior Wolf 11
Furball Miller Warrior Gnoll 7
Ghoul Messenger Warrior Ghoul 27
Gindlin Toxfodder Shopkeeper Human 40
Gomo Limerin Paladin Human 4
Grebin Sneztop Paladin Human 4
Guard Ason Warrior Human 30
Guard Donlan Warrior Human 29
Guard Gregor Warrior Human 12
Guard Justyn Warrior Human 35
Guard Kilson Warrior Human 30
Guard McCluskey Warrior Human 34
Guard Pryde Warrior Human 30
Habastash Gikin Paladin Human 4
Henina Miller Shopkeeper Human 15
Innkeep Danin Shopkeeper Human 30
Innkeep Rislarn Shopkeeper Human 30
Junth McMannus Warrior Barbarian 20
Kobot Dellin Paladin Human 4
Konia Swiftfoot Warrior Human 40
Kyle Rinlin Paladin Human 4
Lander Billkin Paladin Human 4
Larkin Tolman Wizard Human 12
Lars McMannus Warrior Barbarian 20
Lempeck Hargrin Warrior Human 20
Linaya Sowlin Druid Human 5
Lukas Hergo Warrior Human 12
Maldin the Old Shopkeeper Human 45
Maligar Necromancer Human 40
Minda Warrior Human 4
Minya Coldtoes Shopkeeper Human 45
Misla McMannus Shopkeeper Barbarian 25
Mistrana Two Notes Bard Half Elf 25
Misty Storyswapper Bard Half Elf 13
Nenika Lightfoot Shadown Knight Human 25
Ollysa Bladefinder Shopkeeper Human 27
Oobnopterbevny Biddilets Necromancer Gnome 40
Parcil Vinder Paladin Human 4
Quegin Hadder Paladin Human 4
Renux Herkanor Rogue Human 50
Rongol Warrior Human 4
Ronly Jogmill Paladin Human 4
Ryshon Hunsti Paladin Human 23
Sera McMannus Shopkeeper Barbarian 25
Silna Weaver Shopkeeper Human 45
Spinner Shopkeeper Human 45
Tarnar Shopkeeper Human 30
Thurgen Thunderhead Warrior Barbarian 25
Tiny Miller Warrior Ogre 37
Tolony Marle Paladin Human 4
Tukk Warrior Human 5
Ulrich McMannus Warrior Barbarian 30
Vilnius the Small Rogue Barbarian 46
Yiz Pon Wizard Human 5


  • Western Plains of Karana Bestiary List
  • Western Plains of Karana Named Mobs List
  • Western Plains of Karana Equipment List
  • Western Plains of Karana Spawn Groups
  • Western Plains of Karana Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103