
Plane of Earth (poeartha)

Succor point : -1150 / 200 / 71


ListName Class Race Level
An Animated Earthwalker Warrior Stonegrabber 63
An Arborean Earthshaker Warrior Treant 63
An Earthcrafted Assassin Warrior Earth Mephit 63
An Earthen Mudslinger Rogue Golem 63
An Earthen Mudwalker Warrior Golem 64
An Earthen Stonejumper Warrior Poison Frog 63
An Earthen Warden Shaman Giant 63
An Earthern Crusader Warrior Earth Elemental 63
An Unkempt Arborean Warrior Treant 63
A Boulder Thrower Warrior Stonegrabber 66
A Crumbling Stone Mass Warrior Stonegrabber 66
A Crystalline Formation Rogue Geonid 64
A Deadly Earth Armadillo Rogue Armadillo 64
a dusty warder Warrior Earth Elemental 70
A Fearsome Earthcrafter Shaman Giant 63
A Gemmed Guardian Rogue Golem 64
A Gemmed Protector Rogue Geonid 64
A Korascian Hunter Warrior Poison Frog 63
A Korascian Necksnapper Warrior Poison Frog 63
A Majestic Gemwalker Rogue Geonid 64
A Mangled Vegerog Warrior Vegerog 63
A Mass of Living Earth Warrior Earth Elemental 63
A Muddite Seeker Warrior Golem 66
A Needlescale Basilisk Warrior Crocodile 64
A Pile of Boulders Warrior Stonegrabber 66
A Rock Creation Warrior Stonegrabber 66
A Rock Monstrosity Warrior Stonegrabber 65
A Rotting Arborean Warrior Treant 63
A Stone Abomination Warrior Stonegrabber 63
A Tainted Rock Beast Warrior Vegerog 66
A Towering Rock Formation Warrior Stonegrabber 63
A Vekerchiki Warrior Warrior Earth Mephit 63
A War Shapen Earth Emissary Warrior Vegerog 63
Tantisala Jaggedtooth Warrior Crocodile 73


  • Plane of Earth Bestiary List
  • Plane of Earth Named Mobs List
  • Plane of Earth Equipment List
  • Plane of Earth Spawn Groups
  • Plane of Earth Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103