
Plane of Hate (hateplane)

Succor point : 0 / 0 / 0


ListName Class Race Level
Ashenbone Broodmaster Necromancer Dragon 56
Avatar of Abhorrence Rogue Gargoyle 56
Coercer T`vala Enchanter Vampire 56
Corrupter of Life Wizard Spectre 60
Grandmaster R`tal Monk Zombie 56
Hand of the Maestro Warrior Reanimated Hand 17
High Priest M`kari Cleric Dark Elf 56
Innoruuk Wizard Innoruuk 70
Lord of Ire Shadown Knight Ghoul 56
Lord of Loathing Wizard Spectre 56
Magi P`tasa Magician Vampire 56
Master of Spite Shaman Golem 56
Mistress of Scorn Warrior Zombie 56
The Deathrot Knight Shadown Knight Dark Elf 65
an abhorrent Rogue Gargoyle 49
an Agent of Innoruuk Rogue Dark Elf 53
an ashenbone drake Necromancer Dragon 51
an elite dragoon Warrior Dark Elf 55
an Evangelist of Hate Warrior Dark Elf 56
an ire ghast Shadown Knight Ghoul 49
a Basher captain Warrior Troll 54
a Champion of Innoruuk Warrior Dark Elf 54
a Craknek Emissary Warrior Ogre 56
a Disciple of Innoruuk Necromancer Dark Elf 54
a Dismal Rager Shadown Knight Human 54
a forsaken revenant Magician Vampire 49
a Greenblood Emissary Shadown Knight Ogre 54
a Greenmist Diplomat Shadown Knight Iksar 55
a haunted chest Warrior Mimic 48
a Heretic of Odus Shadown Knight Erudite 54
a kiraikuei Monk Zombie 48
a Knight of Innoruuk Shadown Knight Dark Elf 51
a Kotiz Ambassador Necromancer Iksar 54
a loathling lich Wizard Spectre 51
a Minister of Bertoxxulous Shadown Knight Gnome 54
a Nightkeep Warder Shadown Knight Troll 54
a revultant rat Warrior Rat 49
a Sage of Innoruuk Wizard Dark Elf 53
a scorn banshee Bard Zombie 49
a Seeker of the Dark Truth Necromancer Erudite 55
a spite golem Shaman Golem 51
a Steel Warrior Warrior Human 55
Cleric of Innoruuk Cleric Dark Elf 49
Innoruuk`s Chosen Warrior Dark Elf 53
Maestro of Rancor Wizard Vampire 53


  • Plane of Hate Bestiary List
  • Plane of Hate Named Mobs List
  • Plane of Hate Equipment List
  • Plane of Hate Spawn Groups
  • Plane of Hate Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103