
Greater Faydark (gfaydark)

Succor point : 10 / -20 / 0


ListName Class Race Level
Alania Peaceheart Druid Wood Elf 45
Aleena Lightleaf Shopkeeper Guard 40
Aliafya Mistrunner GM Druid Wood Elf 61
an arborean sapling Warrior Treant 6
an arborean sprout Warrior Treant 3
an ebon mask spy Rogue Dark Elf 10
an elven skeleton Warrior Skeleton 5
an orc arsonist Warrior Orc 12
Astar Leafsinger Shopkeeper Guard 40
a bandit Rogue Half Elf 4
a basilisk hatchling Warrior Alligator 8
a bat Warrior Bat 1
a black wolf Warrior Wolf 1
a brownie scout Druid Brownie 1
a coyote Warrior Wolf 7
a decaying skeleton Warrior Skeleton 1
a drunkard Warrior High Elf 8
a faerie courtier Ranger Fairy 9
a faerie duchess Ranger Fairy 18
a faerie guard Ranger Fairy 15
a faerie maiden Ranger Fairy 6
a faerie noble Ranger Fairy 12
a faerie royal guard Ranger Fairy 21
a fae drake hatchling Warrior Drixie 2
a forest drakeling Warrior Drake 3
a giant bat Warrior Bat 7
a giant sylvan bat Warrior Bat 7
a giant wasp Warrior Wasp 1
a giant wasp drone Warrior Wasp 1
a giant wasp warrior Warrior Wasp 7
a giant wasp worker Warrior Wasp 3
a large sylvan bat Warrior Bat 3
a large widow Warrior Spider 4
a mature arborean Ranger Treant 9
a pixie trickster Rogue Pixie 2
a sylvan bat Warrior Bat 1
a widow hatchling Warrior Spider 2
a widow matriarch Warrior Spider 8
a willowisp Warrior Will-O-Wisp 9
a young coyote Warrior Wolf 3
Banker Willaen Banker Guard 40
Barkeep Aanlawen Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Lysslan Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Manlawen Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Myrisa Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Sissya Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Syntan Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Tuviena Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Tvanla Shopkeeper Guard 40
Barkeep Uulianu Shopkeeper Guard 40
Beleth Streamfoot Shopkeeper Guard 40
Bidl Frugrin Wizard Gnome 13
Bilrio Surecut Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Captain Silverwind Warrior Guard 44
Centurion Relgle Warrior Orc 10
Cerila Windrider Shopkeeper Guard 40
Devin Ashwood Ranger Wood Elf 10
Dill Fireshine GM Ranger Wood Elf 61
Expin GM Rogue Wood Elf 45
Faelin Bloodbriar Druid Wood Elf 55
Gallin Woodwind GM Warrior Wood Elf 61
Geeda GM Rogue Wood Elf 61
Grynn Warrior Drixie 10
Guard Briarstorm Warrior Guard 38
Guard Brookrock Warrior Guard 50
Guard Crystalwind Warrior Guard 50
Guard Dayblaze Warrior Guard 38
Guard Eaglesong Warrior Guard 38
Guard Fayfear Warrior Guard 50
Guard Fayfield Warrior Guard 38
Guard Fireblight Warrior Guard 50
Guard Frostfallen Warrior Guard 38
Guard Highmoon Warrior Guard 50
Guard Marshmoor Warrior Guard 38
Guard Moonwind Warrior Guard 38
Guard Nitegazer Warrior Guard 38
Guard Noonshadow Warrior Guard 38
Guard Oakwillow Warrior Guard 38
Guard Orcflayer Warrior Guard 38
Guard Pinebramble Warrior Guard 38
Guard Pineshade Warrior Guard 50
Guard Rainstrider Warrior Guard 50
Guard Starstrike Warrior Guard 38
Guard Streamtree Warrior Guard 38
Guard Sunblaze Warrior Guard 38
Guard Sunweaver Warrior Guard 38
Guard Tangleroot Warrior Guard 38
Guard Treestrider Warrior Guard 38
Guard Valewatcher Warrior Guard 38
Gurleg Bribgok Warrior Orc 12
Heartwood Master GM Druid Wood Elf 61
Hendricks Shopkeeper Guard 40
Horth Evergreen Shopkeeper Guard 40
Idia Bard Wood Elf 25
Innkeep Anisyla Shopkeeper Guard 40
Innkeep Larya Shopkeeper Guard 40
Innkeep Linen Shopkeeper Guard 40
Innkeep Wuleran Shopkeeper Guard 40
Jakum Webdancer Bard Wood Elf 25
Josylyn Greenblade GM Warrior Wood Elf 61
Kindl Lunsight Warrior Wood Elf 20
Laren GM Rogue Wood Elf 61
Lieutenant Leafstalker Warrior Guard 47
Lily Ashwood Bard Wood Elf 15
Linadian Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Maesyn Trueshot GM Ranger Wood Elf 61
Merchant Aianya Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Aildien Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Ainaiana Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Aluuvila Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Aluwenae Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Gaeadin Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Gerienae Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Gililya Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Iludarae Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Kaeluase Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Kanoldar Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Kweili Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Kwein Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Laedar Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Lanin Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Legweien Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Linolyen Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Milania Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Minamas Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Muvien Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Neaien Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Nildar Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Niwiny Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Nluolian Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Sylnis Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Tananie Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Tegdian Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Tenra Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Tiladinya Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Merchant Tilluen Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Tinolwenya Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Tuluvdar Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Uaylain Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Ueaas Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Weaolanae Shopkeeper Guard 40
Merchant Winerasea Shopkeeper Wood Elf 40
Nexus Scion Warrior High Elf 66
Nylianne the True Ranger Wood Elf 61
orc centurion Warrior Orc 4
orc hatchetman Warrior Orc 1
orc oracle Shaman Orc 4
orc pawn Warrior Orc 2
orc shaman Shaman Orc 5
Priest of Discord Cleric Human 50
Ran Sunfire GM Ranger Wood Elf 61
Regren GM Warrior Wood Elf 61
Salani Tunfar Warrior Wood Elf 11
Samatansyn Flamecaller GM Ranger Wood Elf 61
Sarialiyn Tranquilsong GM Bard Wood Elf 61
Serilia Whistlewind Shopkeeper Guard 40
Sindl Talonstrike GM Warrior Wood Elf 61
Soulbinder Oakstout Warrior Wood Elf 1
Srendon Gladetender Shopkeeper Guard 40
Sylia Windlehands GM Bard Wood Elf 61
Tilania Shadowwalker GM Rogue Wood Elf 61
Tylfon GM Rogue Wood Elf 61
Uleen Laughingwater Shopkeeper Guard 40
Verth Mistwielder Shopkeeper Guard 40
Zelli Starsfire Shopkeeper Guard 40


  • Greater Faydark Bestiary List
  • Greater Faydark Named Mobs List
  • Greater Faydark Equipment List
  • Greater Faydark Spawn Groups
  • Greater Faydark Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103