
Eastern Plains of Karana (eastkarana)

Succor point : 865 / 15 / -33


ListName Class Race Level
Aagron Warrior Human 35
Adrian Warrior Human 35
Althele Monk Wood Elf 60
an evil eye Enchanter Evil Eye 17
an undead reaver Warrior Gnoll 15
a bandit Cleric Human 10
a brigand Warrior Barbarian 14
a bullnose snake Warrior Snake 7
a carrion spider Warrior Spider 10
a chasm crawler Warrior Snake 11
a crag spider Warrior Spider 18
a cyclops Warrior Giant 28
a dark stalker Warrior Wolf 15
a druid Druid Human 25
a farmer Warrior Human 5
a fisherman Warrior Barbarian 5
a fisherwoman Warrior Barbarian 5
a gnoll reaver Warrior Gnoll 13
a gorge hound Warrior Wolf 15
a griffawn Warrior Griffin 13
a griffon Warrior Griffin 33
a hill giant Warrior Giant 33
a lion Warrior Lion 8
a lioness Warrior Lion 6
a lioness matriarch Warrior Lion 10
a lion patriarch Warrior Lion 12
a rogue lion Warrior Lion 11
a silvermist wolf Warrior Wolf 8
a spirit stalker Warrior Wolf 12
a treant Druid Treant 23
a war wolf Warrior Wolf 10
a willowisp Warrior Will-O-Wisp 9
Balthazar Shopkeeper Human 45
Beanu Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8
Bradly Shopkeeper Human 45
Broon Warrior Giant 23
Bryan Shopkeeper Human 45
Burah Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8
Canik Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 10
Chief SaNre`Rexsa Shaman Gnoll 21
Emhu Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8
Fang Monk Wolf 51
Felodius Sworddancer Bard Half Elf 55
Ganelorn Oast Ranger Wood Elf 50
Grenix Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 10
Guard Alonso Warrior Human 35
Guard Angus Warrior Human 35
Guard Beatrice Warrior Human 35
Guard Calin Warrior Human 35
Guard Celia Warrior Human 35
Guard Cloten Warrior Human 35
Guard Diana Warrior Human 35
Guard Gonlo Warrior Human 35
Guard Juno Warrior Human 35
Guard Mercyl Warrior Barbarian 35
Guard Miranda Warrior Human 35
Guard Peter Warrior Barbarian 35
Guard Philip Warrior Human 35
Guard Sara Warrior Human 35
Guard Titan Warrior Barbarian 35
Guard Tubal Warrior Barbarian 35
Hibber Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 10
Hukex Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 15
Iago Shopkeeper Human 45
Jekca Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 10
Julie Shopkeeper Human 45
Klage Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8
Leon Warrior Barbarian 35
Lucetta Shopkeeper Human 45
Mechi Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 10
Merchant Silvia Shopkeeper Human 45
Milea Clothspinner Warrior Human 14
Nra`Brox Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 15
Nra`Vren Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 12
Nre`Glega Mucktail Shaman Gnoll 12
Nre`Loxe Mucktail Shaman Gnoll 12
Olixen Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8
Paulina Shopkeeper Human 45
Plur Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 14
Prark Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 12
Rheg Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8
Shalena Roan Bard Half Elf 13
Sharna Shopkeeper Barbarian 45
Sir Morgan Warrior Human 30
Sorn Shopkeeper Human 45
Splintered Claw Necromancer Gnoll 20
Squire Wimbley Cleric Human 20
Stace Shopkeeper Human 45
Tallus Holton Wizard Human 15
Tanrak Shopkeeper Human 45
Tarbul Earthstrider Warrior Giant 48
Tenal Redblade Warrior Human 50
Theoris Bladespur Rogue Human 32
Tholris Monk Halfling 51
Tregil Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 10
twisted ajrah treant Druid Treant 20
Vexven Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 14
Yahg Mucktail Warrior Gnoll 8


  • Eastern Plains of Karana Bestiary List
  • Eastern Plains of Karana Named Mobs List
  • Eastern Plains of Karana Equipment List
  • Eastern Plains of Karana Spawn Groups
  • Eastern Plains of Karana Forageable items
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103