
Plane of Earth (poeartha)

Succor point : X (-1150) Y (200) Z (71)


An Animated Earthwalker63 - 63 StonegrabberNormal
An Arborean Earthshaker63 - 63 TreantNormal
An Earthcrafted Assassin63 - 63 Earth MephitNormal
An Earthen Mudslinger63 - 63 GolemNormal
An Earthen Mudwalker64 - 64 GolemNormal
An Earthen Stonejumper63 - 63 Poison FrogNormal
An Earthen Warden63 - 63 GiantNormal
An Earthern Crusader63 - 63 Earth ElementalNormal
An Unkempt Arborean63 - 63 TreantNormal
A Boulder Thrower66 - 66 StonegrabberNormal
A Crumbling Stone Mass66 - 66 StonegrabberNormal
A Crystalline Formation64 - 64 GeonidNormal
A Deadly Earth Armadillo64 - 64 ArmadilloNormal
a dusty warder70 - 70 Earth ElementalNormal
A Fearsome Earthcrafter63 - 63 GiantNormal
A Gemmed Guardian64 - 64 GolemNormal
A Gemmed Protector64 - 64 GeonidNormal
A Korascian Hunter63 - 63 Poison FrogNormal
A Korascian Necksnapper63 - 63 Poison FrogNormal
A Majestic Gemwalker64 - 64 GeonidNormal
A Mangled Vegerog63 - 63 VegerogNormal
A Mass of Living Earth63 - 63 Earth ElementalNormal
A Muddite Seeker66 - 66 GolemNormal
A Needlescale Basilisk64 - 64 CrocodileNormal
A Pile of Boulders66 - 66 StonegrabberNormal
A Rock Creation66 - 66 StonegrabberNormal
A Rock Monstrosity65 - 65 StonegrabberNormal
A Rotting Arborean63 - 63 TreantNormal
A Stone Abomination63 - 63 StonegrabberNormal
A Tainted Rock Beast66 - 66 VegerogNormal
A Towering Rock Formation63 - 63 StonegrabberNormal
A Vekerchiki Warrior63 - 63 Earth MephitNormal
A War Shapen Earth Emissary63 - 63 VegerogNormal
Tantisala Jaggedtooth73 - 73 CrocodileNormal

  • Plane of Earth Bestiary List
  • Plane of Earth Named Mobs List
  • Plane of Earth Equipment List
  • Plane of Earth Spawn Groups
  • Plane of Earth Forageable items
  • Plane of Earth Tasks
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103