| A chipped fang |
Gems |
| Aged Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Balanced Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Barbed Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Bat Fur Belt |
Armor |
| Batfang Headband |
Armor |
| Batskull Earring |
Armor |
| Batwing Crunchies |
Food |
| Black Marble |
Combinable |
| Black Pearl |
Combinable |
| Carved Dragonbone Spear |
2H Piercing |
| Carved Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Carved Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Chelaki Tail |
1H Slashing |
| Chetari Bonecrafted Shield |
Shield |
| Chetari Wardstaff |
2H Blunt |
| Chipped Black Marble |
Combinable |
| Chipped Onyx Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Coral Crescent |
Combinable |
| Cowl of Mortality |
Armor |
| Cracked Claw of Zlandicar |
1H Slashing |
| Crafted Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Crafted Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Crafted Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Crafted Velium Knuckledusters |
1H Blunt |
| Crafted Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Crafted Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Crafted Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Crystallized Sulfur |
Combinable |
| Double Recurved Velium Bow |
Archery |
| Emerald |
Combinable |
| Engraved Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Engraved Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Etched Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Etched Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Etched Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Etched Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Etched Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Exquisite Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Exquisite Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Exquisite Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Exquisite Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Exquisite Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Exquisite Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Exquisite Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Fired Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| First Brood Talisman |
Jewelry |
| Flawed Chrysolite |
Combinable |
| Flawed Emerald |
Combinable |
| Flawed Flame Emerald |
Combinable |
| Flawed Flame Opal |
Combinable |
| Flawed Lava Ruby |
Combinable |
| Flawed Opal |
Combinable |
| Flawed Sea Sapphire |
Combinable |
| Flawed Topaz |
Combinable |
| Flawless Aquamarine |
Combinable |
| Flawless Diamond |
Combinable |
| Flayed Paebala Boots |
Armor |
| Flayed Paebala Gloves |
Armor |
| Flayed Paebala Leggings |
Armor |
| Flayed Paebala Tunic |
Armor |
| Folded Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Folded Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Forged Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Forged Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Forged Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Forged Velium Knuckledusters |
1H Blunt |
| Forged Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Forged Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Frakadar's Talisman |
Armor |
| Gauntlets of Mortality |
Armor |
| Giant Bat Fur |
Combinable |
| Giant Bat Wing |
Combinable |
| Golden Dragon Claw |
Gems |
| Golden Pendant |
Jewelry |
| Hammered Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Hardened Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Heavy Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Heavy Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Heavy Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Heavy Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Heavy Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Heavy Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Heavy Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Honed Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Honed Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Imperfect Diamond |
Combinable |
| Infestation |
Piercing |
| Jade Ring |
Jewelry |
| Jaundice Gem |
Combinable |
| Large Dragonbone Shard |
1H Slashing |
| Light Velium Bow |
Archery |
| Light Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Light Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Light Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Light Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Light Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Light Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Light Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Massive Dragonclaw Shard |
1H Slashing |
| Massive Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Massive Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Massive Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Massive Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Neb's head |
Gems |
| Nephrite |
Combinable |
| Old Dragon Horn |
Gems |
| Opal |
Combinable |
| Paebala Fetish |
1H Blunt |
| Paebala Warbone |
1H Blunt |
| Pearl Earring |
Jewelry |
| Pearl Ring |
Jewelry |
| Peridot |
Combinable |
| Phase Spider Blood |
Potion |
| Phase Spider Carapace |
Armor |
| Pliable Goo |
Potion |
| Poison Etched Wristband |
Armor |
| Polished Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Polished Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Pristine Emerald |
Combinable |
| Queens Carapace |
Armor |
| Recurved Velium Bow |
Archery |
| Runed Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Runed Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Scroll of Enlightenment |
Gems |
| Scroll of Insight |
Gems |
| Scroll of Knowledge |
Gems |
| Scroll of Power |
Gems |
| Sharpened Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Shining Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Small Dragonbone Shard |
Piercing |
| Song: Composition of Ervaj |
Scroll |
| Song: Melody of Ervaj |
Scroll |
| Spell: Aegis |
Scroll |
| Spell: Aegis of Ro |
Scroll |
| Spell: Aegolism |
Scroll |
| Spell: Arch Lich |
Scroll |
| Spell: Augmentation of Death |
Scroll |
| Spell: Avatar |
Scroll |
| Spell: Banishment |
Scroll |
| Spell: Banishment of Shadows |
Scroll |
| Spell: Boon of the Garou |
Scroll |
| Spell: Call of Earth |
Scroll |
| Spell: Call of the Predator |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cannibalize IV |
Scroll |
| Spell: Circle of Great Divide |
Scroll |
| Spell: Circle of Wakening Lands |
Scroll |
| Spell: Cobalt Scar Portal |
Scroll |
| Spell: Corporeal Empathy |
Scroll |
| Spell: Death Peace |
Scroll |
| Spell: Demi Lich |
Scroll |
| Spell: Devouring Darkness |
Scroll |
| Spell: Disintegrate |
Scroll |
| Spell: Divine Intervention |
Scroll |
| Spell: Divine Strength |
Scroll |
| Spell: Elemental Maelstrom |
Scroll |
| Spell: Emissary of Thule |
Scroll |
| Spell: Enslave Death |
Scroll |
| Spell: Enticement of Flame |
Scroll |
| Spell: Entrapping Roots |
Scroll |
| Spell: Flame of Light |
Scroll |
| Spell: Flaming Sword of Xuzl |
Scroll |
| Spell: Focus of Spirit |
Scroll |
| Spell: Form of the Hunter |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gift of Brilliance |
Scroll |
| Spell: Gift of Insight |
Scroll |
| Spell: Great Divide Portal |
Scroll |
| Spell: Ice Spear of Solist |
Scroll |
| Spell: Improved Invis vs Undead |
Scroll |
| Spell: Improved Invisibility |
Scroll |
| Spell: Improved Superior Camouflage |
Scroll |
| Spell: Invert Gravity |
Scroll |
| Spell: Legacy of Thorn |
Scroll |
| Spell: Lure of Ice |
Scroll |
| Spell: Malo |
Scroll |
| Spell: Mask of the Hunter |
Scroll |
| Spell: Monster Summoning II |
Scroll |
| Spell: Monster Summoning III |
Scroll |
| Spell: Pox of Bertoxxulous |
Scroll |
| Spell: Protection of the Glades |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sha's Lethargy |
Scroll |
| Spell: Shroud of Pain |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spirit Quickening |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spirit of Oak |
Scroll |
| Spell: Spiritual Purity |
Scroll |
| Spell: Sunstrike |
Scroll |
| Spell: Talisman of the Raptor |
Scroll |
| Spell: The Unspoken Word |
Scroll |
| Spell: Torpor |
Scroll |
| Spell: Translocate |
Scroll |
| Spell: Translocate: Group |
Scroll |
| Spell: Trucidation |
Scroll |
| Spell: Vengeance of Al`Kabor |
Scroll |
| Spell: Voice of the Berserker |
Scroll |
| Spell: Winds of Gelid |
Scroll |
| Spell: Word of Redemption |
Scroll |
| Spell: Wrath of the Elements |
Scroll |
| Spirit Talker's Headdress |
Armor |
| Spirit Talkers War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Tempered Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Tempered Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Tempered Velium Knuckledusters |
1H Blunt |
| Tempered Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Tempered Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Vaniki's Heart |
Gems |
| Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Velium Claidhmore |
2H Slashing |
| Velium Dagger |
Piercing |
| Velium Great Staff |
2H Blunt |
| Velium Knuckledusters |
1H Blunt |
| Velium Long Sword |
1H Slashing |
| Velium Morning Star |
1H Blunt |
| Velium Rapier |
Piercing |
| Velium Scimitar |
1H Slashing |
| Velium Short Sword |
1H Slashing |
| Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Velium Spear |
Piercing |
| Velium Two Handed Sword |
2H Slashing |
| Velium War Lance |
2H Piercing |
| Velium Warhammer |
1H Blunt |
| Velium Warsword |
1H Slashing |
| Weighted Velium Battle Axe |
2H Slashing |
| Weighted Velium Battlehammer |
1H Blunt |
| Weighted Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Willsapper |
Piercing |
| Wrapped Entropy Serpent Spine |
1H Slashing |
| Wrapped Velium Bow |
Archery |
| Wrapped Velium Brawl Stick |
2H Blunt |
| Wurmscale Scroll |
Gems |
| Zlandicar's Heart |
Gems |
| Zlandicar's Talisman |
Armor |
| a piece of Rat Fur |
Combinable |