
Plane of Hate (Instanced) (hate_instanced)

Succor point : X (0) Y (0) Z (0)

Equipment List

Icon Name Item type
Abjurers Earring Armor
Apothic Boots Armor
Apothic Crown Armor
Apothic Gloves Armor
Apothic Kilt Armor
Apothic Robe Armor
Apothic Sleeves Armor
Apothic Warband Armor
Ashenbone Abbasi 1H Slashing
Ashenbone Axe 2H Slashing
Ashenbone Shield Shield
Band of Discipline Armor
Basoon Haste Gauntlets Armor
Beckon 2H Slashing
Black Sapphire Combinable
Bloodmoon 1H Slashing
Bloodstar Pendant Armor
Blue Diamond Combinable
Boots of the Righteous Armor
Boots of the Untamed Armor
Bracer of the Righteous Armor
Bracer of the Untamed Armor
Breastplate of the Righteous Armor
Breastplate of the Untamed Armor
Breath of Ro Combinable
Brewers Mesh Cloak Armor
Briarzephyr 1H Slashing
Cloak of Scales Armor
Cloak of the Assassin Armor
Crown of Harmony Armor
Crown of Hatred Armor
Cryosilk Pantaloons Armor
Culler 2H Slashing
Darkbrood Mask Armor
Darkmetal Falchion 1H Slashing
Darkmetal Holy Water Sprinkler 1H Blunt
Darkwar Mask Armor
Dawnchaser Piercing
Decrepit Hide Gems
Diamond Combinable
Diamond Rod 1H Blunt
Earring of Bashing Armor
Encyclopedia Necrotheurgia Gems
Engineer's Ring Armor
Essence of a Vampire Gems
Ethereal Mist Boots Armor
Ethereal Mist Bracers Armor
Ethereal Mist Chestplate Armor
Ethereal Mist Gauntlets Armor
Ethereal Mist Greaves Armor
Ethereal Mist Helm Armor
Ethereal Mist Vambraces Armor
Evensong 1H Blunt
Eye of Innoruuk Gems
Fine Steel Dagger Piercing
Fine Steel Short Sword 1H Slashing
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword 2H Slashing
Fire Emerald Ring Jewelry
Fleshless Skull Gems
Gardash 2H Blunt
Gauntlets of the Righteous Armor
Gauntlets of the Untamed Armor
Giant Lubrican't (t:30d) Potion
Gloves of Harmony Armor
Greaves of Harmony Armor
Greaves of the Righteous Armor
Greaves of the Untamed Armor
Hand of the Maestro Gems
Hate Crystal Gems
Hates Edge 1H Slashing
Hauberk of Harmony Armor
Healers Earring Armor
Helm of the Righteous Armor
Helm of the Untamed Armor
Hotofs Bracer Armor
Icebelt Armor
Imbrued Platemail Boots Armor
Imbrued Platemail Bracer Armor
Imbrued Platemail Breastplate Armor
Imbrued Platemail Gauntlets Armor
Imbrued Platemail Greaves Armor
Imbrued Platemail Helm Armor
Imbrued Platemail Vambraces Armor
Indicolite Boots Armor
Indicolite Bracer Armor
Indicolite Breastplate Armor
Indicolite Gauntlets Armor
Indicolite Greaves Armor
Indicolite Helm Armor
Indicolite Vambraces Armor
Insidious Gloves Armor
Insidious Halo Armor
Insidious Manacle Armor
Insidious Pantaloons Armor
Insidious Robe Armor
Insidious Sleeves Armor
Insidious Slippers Armor
Jacinth Combinable
Kelin`s Seven Stringed Lute Stringed Instrument
Leatherfoot Sandals Armor
Legionnaire Scale Boots Armor
Legionnaire Scale Bracers Armor
Legionnaire Scale Breastplate Armor
Legionnaire Scale Gauntlets Armor
Legionnaire Scale Greaves Armor
Legionnaire Scale Helm Armor
Legionnaire Scale Pauldron Armor
Legionnaire Scale Vambraces Armor
Lifes Guard Shield
Mantle of Study Armor
Martune Rapier Piercing
Mempo of Likato Armor
Neriak Ceremonial Robe 1H Slashing
Nightgrowth Blade 1H Slashing
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449 Combinable
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450 Combinable
Pauldrons of Power Armor
Prismatic Shield Shield
Raiment of the Chosen Armor
Rakusha Cloak Armor
Revultant Whip 1H Slashing
Ring of Pureblood Armor
Rod of Infinite Thought 1H Blunt
Rod of Unbound Thought 1H Blunt
Ruby Combinable
Ruby Crown Jewelry
Rune Etched Boots Armor
Rune Etched Bracer Armor
Rune Etched Chestplate Armor
Rune Etched Gauntlets Armor
Rune Etched Greaves Armor
Rune Etched Helm Armor
Rune Etched Vambraces Armor
Rune of Ap`Sagor Combinable
Rune of Concussion Combinable
Rune of Crippling Combinable
Rune of Frost Combinable
Rune of Impetus Combinable
Rune of Rathe Combinable
Rune of the Astral Combinable
Runewood Shield Shield
Sandals of Harmony Armor
Sapphire Necklace Jewelry
Scaled Hierophant Boots Armor
Scaled Hierophant Bracers Armor
Scaled Hierophant Breastplate Armor
Scaled Hierophant Cloak Armor
Scaled Hierophant Gauntlets Armor
Scaled Hierophant Greaves Armor
Scaled Hierophant Helm Armor
Scaled Hierophant Vambraces Armor
Shadowed Book Gems
Shattered Emerald of Corruption Gems
Shield of the Immaculate Shield
Shield of the Stalwart Seas Shield
Shiverback-hide Boots Armor
Shrieking Ahlspiess Piercing
Shuriken of the Tranquil Throwing
Silver Blade of Rot 1H Slashing
Silverleaf Belt Armor
Six Note Blade 1H Slashing
Skinners Belt Armor
Slowstone Amber Gems
Sode of Empowerment Armor
Songshawl Armor
Spiritguard Gems
Spitestone Shield Shield
Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth 2H Blunt
Staff of Elemental Mastery: Fire 2H Blunt
Star Ruby Earring Jewelry
Sunderfury 2H Slashing
Tears of Prexus Combinable
Teir'dal Sai 1H Blunt
Theologian Claymore 2H Slashing
Thorny Vine Boots Armor
Triumphant Mask Armor
Trueheart Shield Shield
Truesight Hammer 1H Blunt
Tunarian Scimitar 1H Slashing
Umbral Platemail Bracer Armor
Valorium Greaves Armor
Vambraces of Harmony Armor
Vambraces of the Righteous Armor
Vambraces of the Untamed Armor
Vampire Dust Combinable
Vermiculated Bracelet Armor
Vexthorne Piercing
Wand of Conflagration Gems
Wand of Souls Gems
Wand of Swiftness Gems
Wand of Swords Gems
Wing of Xegony Combinable
Words of Acquisition (Beza) Combinable
Words of Bondage Combinable
Words of Crippling Force Combinable
Words of Grappling Combinable
Words of Odus Combinable
Words of Requisition Combinable
Words of the Ethereal Combinable
Woven Shadow Boots Armor
Woven Shadow Bracer Armor
Woven Shadow Chestplate Armor
Woven Shadow Gauntlets Armor
Woven Shadow Greaves Armor
Woven Shadow Helm Armor
Woven Shadow Vambraces Armor
Wristguard of Harmony Armor

  • Plane of Hate (Instanced) Bestiary List
  • Plane of Hate (Instanced) Named Mobs List
  • Plane of Hate (Instanced) Equipment List
  • Plane of Hate (Instanced) Spawn Groups
  • Plane of Hate (Instanced) Forageable items
  • Plane of Hate (Instanced) Tasks
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103