
Mines of Droga (droga)

Succor point : X (290) Y (1375) Z (6)

Equipment List

Icon Name Item type
A Bone Key Gems
A Bone Necklace Armor
A Bronze Key Gems
A Chant Rock Gems
A Chant Rock Gems
A Chant Rock Gems
A Copper Key Gems
A Faded Salil's Writ Page Combinable
A Faded Salils Writ Page Combinable
A Faded Velishouls Tome Page Combinable
A Flaxen Lock of Hair Armor
A Steel Key Gems
A Stone Key Gems
A thin Loch of Hair Armor
Amber Combinable
An Iron Key Gems
Black Pearl Combinable
Blade of the Earthcaller Piercing
Book of the Rings Gems
Bracer of Vajeen Armor
Brick of Deathsteel Ore Combinable
Burynai Legion Gi Armor
Canyoneer Pike Piercing
Choker of Majdd Jewelry
Circlet of Shadow Armor
Crystallized Sulfur Combinable
Dai Nozok skull canopic Gems
Diamond Combinable
Dirty Goblin Parchment 1H Slashing
Drogan Obsidian Dagger Piercing
Drogan Warlord's Insignia Gems
Earring of Essence Jewelry
Emerald Combinable
Essence of Dol 1H Blunt
Eye of Melnor Armor
Eye of RokGus Gems
Eye of Serilis Combinable
Fine Steel Dagger Piercing
Fine Steel Great Staff 2H Blunt
Fine Steel Long Sword 1H Slashing
Fine Steel Morning Star 1H Blunt
Fine Steel Rapier Piercing
Fine Steel Short Sword 1H Slashing
Fine Steel Spear Piercing
Fine Steel Two Handed Sword 2H Slashing
Fine Steel Warhammer 1H Blunt
Fire Emerald Combinable
Fire Opal Combinable
Flame Agate Combinable
Flame of Vox Combinable
Flawless Aquamarine Combinable
Gauntlets of Potence Armor
Glove of Rallos Zek Combinable
Goblin Backstabber Piercing
Goblin Forged Chain Coif Armor
Goblin Forged Chainmail Bracelet Armor
Goblin Forged Chainmail Cape Armor
Goblin Forged Chainmail Coat Armor
Goblin Forged Chainmail Gloves Armor
Goblin Forged Chainmail Mantle Armor
Goblin Forged Chainmail Skirt Armor
Goblin Forged Iron Armplates Armor
Goblin Forged Iron Boots Armor
Goblin Forged Iron Legplates Armor
Goblin Forged Iron Mask Armor
Goblin Parrying Dagger Piercing
Goblin Parrying Spear Piercing
Goblin Stone Dagger Piercing
Gold Ring Jewelry
Golden Pendant Jewelry
Green Goblin Skin Combinable
Greenscale Emerald Gems
Grinning Goblin Brew Alcohol
Hollow Bone Shank Piercing
Idol of Woven Grass Gems
Idol of the Thorned Gems
Iksar Blood Combinable
Iksar Skull Gems
Ivory Combinable
Jade Combinable
Jade Earring Jewelry
Jade Ring Jewelry
Leather Whip 1H Slashing
Locket of Escape Jewelry
Mantle of Mirth Armor
Mithril Earring Jewelry
Mountain Death Belt Armor
Mt. Death Mineral Salts Combinable
Opal Combinable
Pearl Combinable
Pearl Earring Jewelry
Pearl Ring Jewelry
Peridot Combinable
Ring of the Stonechanters Armor
Ruby Combinable
RukGus Sticker Piercing
Rune of Al'Kabor Combinable
Rune of Arrest Combinable
Rune of Banding Combinable
Rune of Concussion Combinable
Rune of Consumption Combinable
Rune of Contortion Combinable
Rune of Dismemberment Combinable
Rune of Fulguration Combinable
Rune of Howling Combinable
Rune of Karana Combinable
Rune of Rallos Zek Combinable
Rune of Regeneration Combinable
Rune of Solusek Ro Combinable
Rune of Sorcery Combinable
Rune of Xegony Combinable
Rune of the Catalyst Combinable
Rune of the Combine Combinable
Rune of the Cyclone Combinable
Rune of the Helix Combinable
Sainys Singing Dagger Piercing
Salil's Writ Pg. 60 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 60 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 64 Combinable
Salil's Writ Pg. 90 Combinable
Sapphire Combinable
Shroud of Nature Armor
Silver Amulet Jewelry
Smokey Quartz Dagger Piercing
Spiked Goblin Ring Jewelry
Star Ruby Combinable
Stone of Morid Gems
Tambourine of Rituals Percussion Instrument
Tome of the Eternal Gems
Topaz Combinable
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109 Combinable
Velishoul's Tome Pg.43 Combinable
Velishoul's Tome Pg.44 Combinable
Velishoul's Tome Pg.67 Combinable
Velishoul's Tome Pg.68 Combinable
Velishoul's Tome Pg.75 Combinable
Velishouls Tome Pg.76 Combinable
Warpainted Spear Piercing
Whip of Strangulation 1H Slashing
Whistling Dagger Piercing
Words of Abatement Combinable
Words of Acquisition (Azia) Combinable
Words of Cazic-Thule Combinable
Words of Coercion Combinable
Words of Dark Paths Combinable
Words of Detention Combinable
Words of Dissemination Combinable
Words of Duration Combinable
Words of Duress Combinable
Words of Efficacy Combinable
Words of Endurance Combinable
Words of Haunting Combinable
Words of Motion Combinable
Words of Neglect Combinable
Words of Parasitism Combinable
Words of Possession Combinable
Words of Purification Combinable
Words of Quivering Combinable
Words of Resolve Combinable
Words of Rupturing Combinable
Words of Sight Combinable
Words of the Incorporeal Combinable
Words of the Suffering Combinable

  • Mines of Droga Bestiary List
  • Mines of Droga Named Mobs List
  • Mines of Droga Equipment List
  • Mines of Droga Spawn Groups
  • Mines of Droga Forageable items
  • Mines of Droga Tasks
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103