Extinguish Fatigue
| Extinguish Fatigue | Classes : | Cleric (19), Ranger (52), Druid (29), Shaman (39), Enchanter (44) | When cast on you : | Your body zings with energy. | When cast on other : | looks energized. | Mana : | 35 | Skill : | ALTERATION | Casting time : | 3.5 sec | Recovery time : | 2.25 sec | Recast time : | 3.5 sec | Range : | 100 | Target : | Single target | Resist : | (adjust: 0) | Duration : | Instant | Spell effects: | 1 : Effect type : Stamina by 90
| Items with that spellSpell: Extinguish FatigueSpell: Extinguish Fatigue |
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AllaClone for EQMac - Version: Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103 |