vexthal trap strong shade rogues (Vex Thal : -10,553,128)
NPCs composing that spawngroup :_ (100%) | NPCs spawning around that spawngroup : (Max range : 100)vexthal weak akhevan knights, range=41 (-50,562,5)vexthal_____Akhevan_Warder399, range=22 (8,567,131)vexthal trap strong shades all classes, range=35 (-8,518,3)vexthal strong shade rogues, range=13 (-16,541,5)vexthal strong akheva wizards, range=93 (0,646,9)vexthal trap strong shade clerics, range=20 (10,553,128)vexthal trap strong akhevan warriors, range=91 (18,640,7)vexthal stop cheating, range=53 (0,500,256) |
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AllaClone for EQMac - Version: Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103 |