hateplane Innoruuk House Floor 1 (Plane of Hate : 396,104,100)
NPCs composing that spawngroup :an_Agent_of_Innoruuk (50%)a_Sage_of_Innoruuk (50%) | NPCs spawning around that spawngroup : (Max range : 100)hateplane_Innoruuk`s_Chosen34, range=35 (420,78,150)hateplane camp emotes, range=93 (489,95,101)hateplane_an_Agent_of_Innoruuk46, range=99 (475,44,103)hateplane_221043, range=75 (471,101,148)hateplane North Route Patrollers, range=68 (349,54,2)hateplane East Wall Patrollers, range=68 (443,54,4)hateplane House Patrollers, range=92 (437,21,30)hateplane Organ Hall NE, range=52 (396,156,4) |
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AllaClone for EQMac - Version: Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103 |