codecay_The_wretched32 (The Crypt of Decay : 330,309,-71)
NPCs composing that spawngroup :The_wretched (100%) | NPCs spawning around that spawngroup : (Max range : 100)codecay melee rats, range=83 (258,266,-23)codecay caster rats, range=43 (321,266,-24)codecay Death Knights, range=35 (322,344,-69)codecay Corrupted Knights, range=30 (321,280,-69)codecay_The_remains27, range=43 (287,308,-64)codecay_Dead_silence45, range=30 (300,305,-71)codecay_The_high46, range=30 (300,305,-71)codecay_A_raspy47, range=30 (300,305,-71)codecay_an_old_fly_nest133, range=84 (392,366,-40)codecay rat mix, range=34 (300,327,-22)codecay all caster Lepertoloths, range=84 (247,296,-69)codecay knights and lepers, range=83 (293,234,-63) |
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AllaClone for EQMac - Version: Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103 |