
codecay Firebone Magus (The Crypt of Decay : 222,177,-69)

NPCs composing that spawngroup :
  • Firebone_Archmagus (2%)
  • Firebone_Magus (98%)
  • NPCs spawning around that spawngroup :
    (Max range : 100)
    • codecay melee rats, range=96 (258,266,-23)
    • codecay Death Knights, range=99 (319,197,-64)
    • codecay Pestilence Priests, range=53 (173,199,-69)
    • codecay knights and lepers, range=79 (186,248,-69)
    • codecay Bertox event trash, range=27 (200,160,-257)
    • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
      Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103