vexthal_Va_Xi_Aten_Ha_Ra440 (Vex Thal : 0,723,134)
NPCs composing that spawngroup :Va_Xi_Aten_Ha_Ra (100%) | NPCs spawning around that spawngroup : (Max range : 100)vexthal weak akhevan clerics, range=77 (-8,800,8)vexthal weak akhevan rogues, range=36 (-19,754,9)vexthal strong akheva clerics, range=77 (9,800,9)vexthal strong akheva wizards, range=77 (0,646,9)vexthal strong akheva warriors, range=21 (-17,736,9)vexthal strong akheva rogues, range=36 (20,754,9)vexthal weak akhevan warriors, range=22 (18,736,9)vexthal trap strong akhevan warriors, range=84 (18,640,7) |
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AllaClone for EQMac - Version: Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103 |