vexthal 2nd floor stronger stonegrabbers (Vex Thal : -314,1646,122)
NPCs composing that spawngroup :Eom_Va_Dyn (33%)Pli_Va_Dyn (33%)Zun_Va_Dyn (34%) | NPCs spawning around that spawngroup : (Max range : 100)vexthal weak akhevan clerics, range=8 (-322,1648,9)vexthal trap weak shades all classes, range=72 (-296,1716,116)vexthal strong akheva all classes, range=95 (-376,1718,9)vexthal weak akhevan wizards, range=12 (-302,1648,8)vexthal trap strong akhevan knights, range=78 (-278,1716,3) |
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AllaClone for EQMac - Version: Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103 |