
Recipe : Clockwork Watchman Breastplate

Recipe : Clockwork Watchman Breastplate
Tradeskill : Tinkering
Trivial at : 252
Containers needed for the combine
    Deluxe Toolbox
Items resulting of a successfull combine
    Clockwork Watchman Breastplate x1
Components needed :
    Small Fine Steel Breastplate x 1
    Cogs x 1
    Sprockets x 1
    Grease x 1
    Gnomish Vanishing Device x 1
    Mana Battery - Class Five x 1
    Metal Fastening x 1
    Metal Twine x 1
    Gnomish Bolts x 1
AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103