
Populated Zones List

Name Short name ID Spawn points
Acrylia Caverns acrylia 154 403
Ak'Anon akanon 55 337
Akheva Ruins akheva 179 629
Bastion of Thunder bothunder 209 1563
Befallen befallen 36 1213
Blackburrow blackburrow 17 152
Butcherblock Mountains butcher 68 1900
Cabilis East cabeast 106 309
Cabilis West cabwest 82 67
Castle of Mistmoore mistmoore 59 1364
Chardok chardok 103 1147
Chardok (Instanced) chardok_instanced 1103 1147
Cobaltscar cobaltscar 117 205
Crushbone crushbone 58 281
Crystal Caverns crystal 121 216
Dagnor's Cauldron cauldron 70 686
Domain of Frost myriah 1501 428
Dragon Necropolis necropolis 123 363
Dreadlands (Instanced) dreadlands_instanced 1086 1406
Drunder, the Fortress of Zek potactics 214 1038
East Commonlands ecommons 22 358
East Freeport freporte 10 241
Eastern Plains of Karana eastkarana 15 1136
Eastern Wastes eastwastes 116 706
Echo Caverns echo 153 310
Erud's Crossing erudsxing 98 373
Erudin erudnext 24 134
Erudin Palace erudnint 23 77
Everfrost Peaks everfrost 30 1367
Field of Bone fieldofbone 78 2203
Field of Bone (Alt) towerbone 1078 2203
Firiona Vie firiona 84 1983
Frontier Mountains frontiermtns 92 882
Gorge of King Xorbb beholder 16 317
Greater Faydark gfaydark 54 2600
Grieg's End griegsend 163 560
Grimling Forest grimling 167 398
Grobb grobb 52 90
Guk guktop 65 294
Halas halas 29 79
Halls of Honor hohonora 211 657
High Keep highkeep 6 175
Highpass Hold highpass 5 274
Hollowshade Moor hollowshade 166 797
House of Mischief mischiefhouse 1626 327
Howling Stones (Instanced) charasis_instanced 1105 866
Iceclad Ocean iceclad 110 299
Icewell Keep thurgadinb 129 185
Innothule Swamp innothule 46 1418
Jaggedpine Forest jaggedpine 181 714
Kael Drakkel kael 113 720
Kaesora kaesora 88 311
Karnor's Castle karnor 102 529
Katta Castellum katta 160 442
Kedge Keep kedge 64 299
Kedge Keep (Instanced) kedge_tryout 1064 173
Kerra Isle kerraridge 74 193
Kithicor Forest kithicor 20 3038
Kurn's Tower kurn 97 872
Kurn's Tower (Alternate) towerfrost 1097 1044
Lair of the Splitpaw paw 18 421
Lake of Ill Omen lakeofillomen 85 835
Lake Rathetear lakerathe 51 449
Lavastorm Mountains lavastorm 27 203
Lesser Faydark lfaydark 57 1224
Lost Temple of CazicThule cazicthule 48 2631
Marus Seru mseru 168 1319
Mines of Droga droga 81 3687
Mines of Nurga nurga 107 745
Misty Thicket misty 33 1438
Mons Letalis letalis 169 876
Nagafen's Lair soldungb 32 201
Najena najena 44 227
Nektulos Forest nektulos 25 1596
Neriak - 3rd Gate neriakc 42 90
Neriak - Commons neriakb 41 103
Neriak - Foreign Quarter neriaka 40 58
Netherbian Lair netherbian 161 181
Nexus nexus 152 29
North Freeport freportn 8 114
North Kaladim kaladimb 67 62
North Qeynos qeynos2 2 821
Northern Desert of Ro nro 34 1173
Northern Felwithe felwithea 61 69
Northern Plains of Karana northkarana 13 787
Oasis of Marr oasis 37 1092
Ocean of Tears oot 69 259
Oggok oggok 49 82
Paineel paineel 75 340
Permafrost Caverns permafrost 73 1051
Plane of Air poair 215 509
Plane of Disease podisease 205 464
Plane of Earth poeartha 218 355
Plane of Earth poearthb 222 115
Plane of Fear fearplane 72 237
Plane of Fear (Instanced) fear_instanced 1072 233
Plane of Fire pofire 217 1306
Plane of Growth growthplane 127 358
Plane of Hate hateplane 76 887
Plane of Hate (Instanced) hate_instanced 1076 884
Plane of Innovation poinnovation 206 1054
Plane of Justice pojustice 201 454
Plane of Knowledge poknowledge 202 261
Plane of Mischief mischiefplane 126 326
Plane of Nightmares ponightmare 204 760
Plane of Sky airplane 71 135
Plane of Sky (Instanced) air_instanced 1071 129
Plane of Storms postorms 210 3162
Plane of Time potimea 219 214
Plane of Time potimeb 223 2
Plane of Tranquility potranquility 203 74
Plane of Valor povalor 208 305
Plane of Water powater 216 705
Qeynos Aqueduct System qcat 45 1058
Qeynos Hills qeytoqrg 4 1532
Rathe Mountains rathemtn 50 860
Rivervale rivervale 19 136
Ruins of Old Guk gukbottom 66 288
Ruins of Sebilis sebilis 89 691
Runnyeye runnyeye 11 691
Sanctus Seru sseru 159 3863
Scarlet Desert scarlet 175 975
Shadeweaver's Thicket shadeweaver 165 1517
Shadow Haven shadowhaven 150 310
Siren's Grotto sirens 125 324
Skyfire Mountains skyfire 91 364
Skyshrine skyshrine 114 235
Sleeper's Tomb sleeper 128 66
Solusek's Eye soldunga 31 670
South Kaladim kaladima 60 49
South Qeynos qeynos 1 179
Southern Desert of Ro sro 35 1241
Southern Felwithe felwitheb 62 38
Southern Plains of Karana southkarana 14 2214
Ssraeshza Temple ssratemple 162 1321
Steamfont Mountains steamfont 56 1547
Stonebrunt Mountains stonebrunt 100 1533
Sunset Home cshome 26 58
Sunset Home cshome2 1503 36
Surefall Glade qrg 3 100
Swamp of No Hope swampofnohope 83 1619
Temple of Marr hohonorb 220 67
Temple of Solusek Ro soltemple 80 120
Temple of Veeshan templeveeshan 124 893
The Arena arena 77 1
The Bazaar bazaar 151 73
The Burning Wood burningwood 87 1027
The City of Mist citymist 90 443
The City of Shar Vahl sharvahl 155 1104
The City of Thurgadin thurgadina 115 225
The Crypt of Dalnir dalnir 104 2100
The Crypt of Decay codecay 200 958
The Dawnshroud Peaks dawnshroud 174 453
The Deep thedeep 164 741
The Dreadlands dreadlands 86 1407
The Emerald Jungle emeraldjungle 94 412
The Estate of Unrest unrest 63 358
The Feerrott feerrott 47 2426
The Fungus Grove fungusgrove 157 363
The Great Divide greatdivide 118 723
The Grey thegrey 171 518
The Hole hole 39 516
The Hole (Instanced) hole_instanced 1039 515
The Howling Stones charasis 105 866
The Lair of Terris Thule nightmareb 221 37
The Maiden's Eye maiden 173 606
The Overthere overthere 93 837
The Paludal Caverns paludal 156 848
The Tenebrous Mountains tenebrous 172 346
The Umbral Plains umbral 176 428
The Wakening Land wakening 119 665
The Warrens warrens 101 567
Timorous Deep timorous 96 324
Torment, the Plane of Pain potorment 207 763
Tower of Frozen Shadow frozenshadow 111 440
Tower of Solusek Ro solrotower 212 655
Toxxulia Forest tox 38 1739
Trakanon's Teeth trakanon 95 1477
Trial of Fire and Ice (Instanced) fireice 1502 2
Twilight twilight 170 1143
Veeshan's Peak veeshan 108 225
Velketor's Labyrinth velketor 112 815
Vex Thal vexthal 158 2796
Warsliks Woods warslikswood 79 1520
West Commonlands commons 21 980
West Freeport freportw 9 391
Western Plains of Karana qey2hh1 12 1782
Western Wastes westwastes 120 301
AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103